This 4 cordless drill charging station is 19 5/8 inches long by 15 inches high by 11 1/4 inches deep. Each side of the top shelf has a 1 1/8 inch hole smoothed around the edges to accommodate any electrical cords for a charging unit for your drill batteries. Made out of 3/4 inch plywood and milled to join all the pieces together. The shelves have a 1/4 inch lip to keep things from rolling off the shelves. The top shelf is 18 1/4 inches long and 9 1/4 inches wide and provides an area for your battery charger and other things you may have room for. The bottom shelf is 18 1/4 inches long and 6 1/4 inches wide and provides an area for your batteries. The brackets at the bottom will accomodate most drills and also other power tools that will fit and are angled to see them better. It has a new and improve price also @ $74.99. We can also customize it to your specs. (call for info and pricing.)
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